Clean & Organize Now To Avoid Summer Stress

As the spring cleaning season transitions into a sweltering summer, those living in the Orlando area and throughout Florida are making sure their organization and cleaning is finished before the heat arrives. Here’s how you and your home can benefit from starting to clean & organize now, rather than during the summer. Feeling Lighter Even […]

2022 Organizational Trends

Custom Home Office - More Space Place Orlando

Although you might not have spent the winter inside your Florida home like those in the north, spring is still a pivotal time for people to sort, organize, toss, and donate. This practice is known throughout the United States, has a long history, and is done in various cultures, including Japan and Thailand. If you’re […]

Get A Head Start On Spring Cleaning

Photo credit: djedzura Have you ever wondered why people get so excited about spring cleaning? Part of the reason is certainly the prospect of seeing the end of winter and preparing for spring and summer. But in Orlando, spring cleaning isn’t just about shedding winter blues. Our climate is gorgeous year-round! However, there are many other […]

A Custom Closet Worth the Investment

Poorly designed closets can be so aggravating. They make it hard to find your belongings and often contain wasted space. If you’re tired of digging through disorganized piles of clothing and accessories in your Florida, home, it’s time to invest in a custom closet. And, yes, when it comes to your remodeling dollars, custom closets […]

Custom Upgrades To Make You Feel More At Home

Do you ever get that feeling that if you changed something in your home, you’d like it more, or you’d feel more at home? Give in to that feeling and customize your home to make it more personal and tailored to your way of living. Here are our top 3 custom upgrades to do to […]