From struggling to define individual sides to lacking adequate space, sharing a closet isn’t always easy. The experts at More Space Place of Orlando can help! With custom closet solutions, tips, and tricks, we’d like to share some of our shared closet organization strategies with you.
Giving Everyone Individual Space
When creating a strategy for a shared closet, it’s important to define space for individuals. Having your own side of the closet will prevent clothes, accessories, and other wardrobe staples from getting lost or misplaced. It will also foster a more peaceful closet-sharing experience.
Splitting the closet in half is the most tried-and-true method and is a great option for siblings who share a room. However, for pairs who have different-sized wardrobes, it’s smart to allocate space based on need.
Upgrade Your Closet
Lack of space is a common dilemma in shared closets. The team at More Space Place can help! We can custom-design a larger closet that meets your storage needs and utilizes your unique space.
We can also work with your existing closet space. Upgrade your closet with custom shelving, unique storage solutions, and closet accessories such as shoe racks, jewelry drawers, and more. Having the right kind of storage for every component of your wardrobe is a great way to enhance the usability of your closet. Smaller accessories often end up getting mixed up even when clothing itself is divided into neat individual spaces. Custom closet accessories will ensure that everything stays in its designed space.

Downsize Your Wardrobe
When combining two wardrobes into one closet, you may need to downsize in order to fit everything together. It might be time to donate that coat you haven’t worn in years or those shoes that never fit quite right. Another strategy is to sort out seasonal clothing and store them outside of your closet. Bulky winter coats take up a lot of space and aren’t necessary in the summer. Store items like these in boxes or bins under your bed and only pull them out when the seasons change.
Communication is the best way to ensure that everyone is happy with their closet space. Set boundaries and expectations for the division of space and ensure that each person feels like that their space is respected.
Create a Dream Closet for Two!
For a custom-built closet fit for two, contact More Space Place of Orlando! With various types of storage solutions, accessories, and closet systems, we’ll help you design the closet of your dreams.