Clean & Organize Now To Avoid Summer Stress

As the spring cleaning season transitions into a sweltering summer, those living in the Orlando area and throughout Florida are making sure their organization and cleaning is finished before the heat arrives. Here’s how you and your home can benefit from starting to clean & organize now, rather than during the summer.

Feeling Lighter

Even in an A/C room, excessive clutter will weigh you down. If something you need sits under mountains of things, you will work up a sweat searching for it. By organizing your materials and removing unnecessary items, you will also get rid of a lot of emotional and physical frustration that might sometimes boil over.

Staying Focused 

Along with all of our electronic devices, the pressures of life in general find a way to distract us. Whether you are searching for a document in your home office or some long-lost keepsake, organizing your valuable records, treasures, and memories keeps you focused on the task at hand and removes unnecessary distractions.

Lowering Stress

Similar to the way items seemingly creep into every available space of a closet or garage, stress will soon totally overwhelm a person who grows annoyed when they cannot locate things they need. Organizing your space and developing a system alleviates that stress, and helps you relax knowing that you understand where everything is, where everything goes, and where you can find what you need with minimal effort.

Promoting Good Health

Crowded areas attract dust and dirt that lowers the efficiency of your air conditioning system. In areas with poor ventilation, clutter may promote the growth of mildew, mold, and build up of dust and other harmful pollutants which is always a problem in the subtropical environment of Orlando, FL. Frequently cleaning and decluttering these areas promotes air quality, a better running AC unit/cooler room, and an overall healthier environment for you to stay in. It is also beneficial to clean the spring pollen off all surfaces and vents so possible spring allergies don’t follow you into the summer.

Keeping Peace

Tempers may rise when lots of baggage and other belongings get in the way of others who share space with you. Redesigned closets, improved home workspaces, better garage storage, and a Murphy bed from the More Space Place maximize living spaces and allow for cooler heads to prevail.