2022 Organizational Trends

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Although you might not have spent the winter inside your Florida home like those in the north, spring is still a pivotal time for people to sort, organize, toss, and donate. This practice is known throughout the United States, has a long history, and is done in various cultures, including Japan and Thailand. If you’re participating in this tradition this year, it could help to know what’s trending for 2022. 

Multifunction Spaces

Does it seem like you never have enough room in your Orlando, Florida, home? That might occur because you’re not utilizing each space to its full capability. In 2022, people are creating multifunction rooms more than ever. 

For instance, some people add a desk to a living room corner to create a small office space. Another trend is to half a room, such as using one side as an exercise space and the other as an entertainment room.  

Minimalist Approach

In 2022, people are taking a minimalist approach more than ever before. What this means is people are donating or getting rid of unused items to give their homes a more open look. Decluttering has an impact on a person’s stress and overall mental health. 

The Use of Shelves  

Shelves are an organizational technique that has been around for 100s of years. However, this year, it’s becoming more common than ever for people to add either in-wall or freestanding shelves in their homes to store their belongings. This ensures the items stay off the floor, giving the room a more open appearance. 

It’s even possible to add shelving to your Orlando home’s closet, so you’re not stacking items in boxes or storage containers on the floor. 

The Use of Size-Saving Items

People are recognizing more than ever the benefit of items that collapse or fold up. For instance, individuals are using desks that fold up into the wall. An excellent size saver is a Murphy bed. A person pulls it out when he or she goes to bed, and for the rest of the day, it conveniently folds in the wall. This was once a common item in studio apartments but is now becoming an option for homes of any size. 

More Space Place offers several items to help you save space and be better organized, including Murphy beds, closet shelving, and home office desks with ample storage. It also helps to utilize the minimalist approach in your home and take time to declutter. 

To view everything More Space Place Orlando has to offer, call or visit us today!