Reduce Food Waste With a Custom Pantry

Custom pantry storage and shelving.

Food waste is a significant issue in households worldwide, and it’s often due to poor food storage and organization. Installing a custom pantry can help combat this problem, limiting food waste and saving you money.


Enhanced Visibility

One of the main culprits of food waste is the “out of sight, out of mind” phenomenon. It’s easy to lose track of food when things are buried at the back of shelves or hidden in cramped spaces. In fact, we can forget about them until we clean the pantry out, when the food has already gone bad. A custom pantry is meant to maximize visibility. Pullout shelving maintain easy access and organization. This increased visibility ensures that you use items before they expire, reducing the likelihood of forgotten or expired groceries.


Quick Access

Baskets can be added to your custom pantry to provide convenient and quick access to items that are frequently used. By having designated spaces for specific categories of food or kitchen supplies, you can locate what you need with ease, lowering the risk of purchasing duplicates or food waste.


Flexible Organization and Efficient use of Space

Shelving and dividers can be entirely adjustable to your pantry needs in a custom pantry. You can create different sections for various types of food, such as canned goods, spices, or snacks. The ability to customize your pantry space ensures that items are stored in their ideal condition, extending their shelf life.


Efficient use of space

Custom pantries maximize every inch of available space. This is crucial for smaller reach-in pantries, where space optimization is needed. Vertical space and adjustable shelving and dividers ensure that no area goes to waste. 

Discover how a custom pantry can transform your kitchen. Contact More Space Place Orlando today!