Plan Ahead For 2023

It’s not too late to plan ahead for the upcoming New Year! Whether it’s planning for an upcoming home renovation, habit change, or lifestyle goal, it’s never too early to get a head start. Here are some tips & benefits of taking some time to plan ahead.

For big changes, we seem to always be intimidated by the total amount of work we must do to ensure the change actually happens. Approaching a large renovation project can be daunting at first, but tackling the job in smaller steps can help reduce the stress and anxiety of it all. For example, getting a head start by reaching out to More Space Place can help get the ball rolling when planning a custom closet, storage system, and more.

When planning ahead, some of us get intimidated by large projects, and some of us look at it like it’s nothing to be afraid of. However, it’s best to not over-plan several things and stretch yourself too thin. When taking a look at all the goals you have in mind, pick out the top 3 most important to you to decide what to do. Pouring more time and effort planning your top goals will help ensure that the end result is what you’ve hoped for. Rushing or working on a multitude of different goals will end up with corners being cut and a result you might not be completely happy with.

While working on a goal, do not expect instant changes. If it’s a lifestyle or habit change, consistency in working on that goal will show later on down the road. If it’s a large project you’re working on, any forward progress is good progress. Similarly to the saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”; long term goals are usually not met in a day. However, planning and preparing yourself to achieve those goals ahead of time will make the journey clearer.

If you need some assistance visualizing and planning your home for storage renovations in the upcoming year, look no further than More Space Place in Orlando. More Space Place focuses on all your custom storage needs to make your Florida home as organized as can be. Reach out to us today for a complimentary consultation.