Get Ready for Summer With Custom Garage Storage

Custom garage storage.
Summer is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to get your garage organized and ready for all of your outdoor activities. Don’t wait until the clutter takes over. Custom garage storage can help you maximize your space and create a functional and efficient garage space. Read on to learn how to make custom garage storage work for you!

Assess Your Storage Needs

Before you start planning out your garage storage, it’s important to assess your needs for it. Think about the items you need to store and how often you use them. This will help you determine the best storage solutions for your space and communicate clearly with the installers.

Consider Cabinets

Custom cabinets can help you organize your garage and keep items like tools and gardening supplies neatly shut away. Best for small to mid-size items, or anything you’d like to keep locked out of reach of children and pets.

Use Wall Space

Often overlooked in garages, wall space can be a valuable storage asset. Built-in shelves keep items in sight and in easy reach. Combine slat wall storage with racks and hanging baskets to hold sports equipment, yard tools, and large objects like bikes and kayaks.

Install a Work Bench

A work bench can be a valuable addition to any garage, providing a dedicated space for DIY projects, repairs, and maintenance. Custom work benches are built to fit your space. And they can improve functionality and efficiency with built-in storage and lighting.

Create a Designated Space for Seasonal Items

Summer in Orlando means opportunity for a lot of outdoor activities. This can lead to an influx of seasonal items like swimming gear, beach chairs, and camping supplies. Creating a designated space for these items helps keep them organized so you can easily find what you’re looking for. Plan it out ahead of time, so you’re ready before things start to pile up!

Choose Durable Materials

Heat and humidity can be hard on building materials, so it’s important to consider durability when designing your storage system. Here at More Space Place Orlando, we’re experts in building for central Florida’s climate. And we use high quality materials for sturdy storage that will keep your garage organized for years to come.
Custom garage storage can help you get ready for summer and make the most of your garage space. By assessing your storage needs, using built-ins and wall space, and choosing your materials well, you can create a storage solution that meets all of your summer needs. Contact More Space Place Orlando for a free consultation with a designer who can help you plan your perfect garage!