Building a Back-to-School Drop Zone

Entryway drop zone custom shelving.

Summer still reigns supreme in sunny Orlando, but fall is just around the corner and it’s time to prepare for a more organized routine. One way to do that is with an entry drop zone. Whether you have a dedicated mudroom or a small entryway, a custom drop zone that utilizes smart storage solutions can make all the difference. And a well-designed drop zone can become the ultimate organization hub for your back-to-school needs.


Custom Storage for Every Family Member

A drop zone is not just a place to hang jackets or leave shoes; it’s a personalized storage area for every family member. Consider a custom wall unit with designated cubbies and hooks for each person. This allows every family member to have their own space to store backpacks, sports gear, and other items that don’t usually make it far past the door. In smaller entryways, a single shelf for each person can hold essentials while shoes are tucked neatly beneath.


A Streamlined Morning Routine

Mornings can be hectic, especially when everyone is rushing to get ready for school and work. A drop zone acts as a command center, keeping everything organized and easily accessible. Designate a space for each item, such as a slot for lunchboxes, hooks for backpacks, and a tray for keys. This ensures that everyone can grab what they need quickly, minimizing morning stress and ensuring a timely departure.

Wall unit drop zone.

Homework Headquarters

Incorporate a designated area within the custom wall unit as a homework station. Install a fold-out desk for kids to do their schoolwork (or consider a Murphy bed and desk combination for the kids’ rooms). Keep school supplies like pens, pencils, paper, and calculators neatly organized nearby. This setup creates a focused environment for studying and completing assignments, and ensures that homework and other important papers aren’t lost.


Custom Cabinets Conceal Clutter

Custom cabinets are a must-have in a drop zone to keep clutter out of sight. Integrate closed cabinets into the wall unit design to store seasonal items, sports gear, and other belongings that don’t need to be on display year-round.


Personalization and Style

Personalize your drop zone to match your family’s style and preferences. Choose materials, colors, and finishes that complement your home’s décor. Add decorate elements like family photos, motivational quotes, or a chalkboard for reminders and messages. A custom drop zone can be both functional and visually appealing, creating a welcoming space for your family and visitors alike.


Say goodbye to morning chaos and clutter with a custom drop zone for back-to-school. Contact More Space Place Orlando today for a free in-home design consultation!